Thursday, November 1, 2012

Once you start, it's hard to stop

Demo really is addictive.  After the kitchen wall, I wanted to take down the entertainment center in the living room.
My friend Nicole came over and was the dedicated smasher, while I did a lot of the transport of the removed materials.
In all we were completely done in about 40 minutes.  I was impressed.
The thing was only secured to the wall in about 6 places.  A few screws unscrewed and a few well placed hammer strikes and it was done.

The next day I decided to take down the rest of the bathroom walls.  This took a lot more effort, but it was satisfying to get it all done.

I was also excited I could take it down and not damage my new toilet.  Because of all the termite droppings and possible moisture damage I found at the top of the wall, I will take down the ceiling soon as well.

And for good measure, I got a reminder of why I need a full rewire of the house.
I don't know the exact application for electrical tape, but I know it is not the way it was done in the walls of my house.

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